Foreclose Modification Counseling

Northwest Indiana Reinvestment Alliance


Northwest Indiana Reinvestment Alliance

Foreclose Modification Counseling

A counselor will assist them in resolving problems that led to delinquency, prepare a financial analysis, explain all options available to resolve delinquency and contact the lender to discuss the situation. We will handle clients with care and educate, guide, advise, and assist them through this devastating and complex process. Counselors will do an initial intake assessment, and review current income, and monthly expenses for affordability, program requirements, and sustainability. During the counseling session, the counselor and client will agree on a suggested budget. The counselor will explain options and contact the lender for suitable workout options. An action plan will be developed based on the assessment of the strategy to prevent foreclosure. There will be several follow-up counseling sessions via face-to-face, telephone between the homeowner and the lender to reach an outcome. The ultimate goal is to help the homeowner protect their assets and maintain their home.

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